SPAs in Angular.js

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Examples Single Pages apps with Angular.js.

├── spa-s-angularjs/spa-angularjs-v1.2.25
│   └──app
│      └──controllers
│         └──contatoController.js
│         └──homeController.js
│         └──sobreController.js
│      └──public
│         └──contato.html
│         └──home.html
│         └──sobre.html
│      └──app.js
│      └──index.html
│      └──routes.js
├── spa-s-angularjs/spa-angularjs-v1.3.3
│   └──app
│      └──main.js
│      └──component
│         └──contatos
│            └──contatos.html
│            └──contato.controller.js
│         └──home
│            home.html
│   └──index.html
├── spa-s-angularjs/spa-angularjs-v1.4.5
│   └── app
│       └──404
│       └──contato
│       └──home
│       └──sobre
│       └──.htacess
│       └──app.js
│       └──index.html
│       └──routes.js

No configuration or complicated folder structures, just the files you need to build your app.
Once the installation is done, you can open your project folder:

The AngularJS Guide includes information on different topics.

Examples of SPAs in different AngularJS versions

How to Update to New Versions?

Please refer to the User Guide for this and other information.

What’s Included?

Your environment will have everything you need to build a modern single-page Angular.js:

Check others guide for an overview of how these tools fit together.